Hardy Poems/Writings

(Theme Playing - Distant Memories)

"Escape From Fiction" Poem By Jodie

Escape into Fiction ( Sidenote: This is totally strange and I have NO idea what has possessed me to send it )
From the dark cells I run at night,

Run into my shelter and dance with the golden moonlighted pixie.

Dance with the creature that knows no limitations,

No boundaries!

From my shelter I leave and meet with the wolf from Hilltop valley.

From there we cavort amongst the enchanted forest trees,

And drink from the everlasting fountain of potable spirits.

Laugh and dance amongst the stars.

Meet with Dominic, the dark witch from across the moor,

And talk of mythological stories and folklore.

Prance hand in hand along and through the leaf filled forest,

Until we reach the end.

Notice the stars becoming closer.........Notice them nearer.

Turn around to notice my friends had all gone.

Look around to be only greeted with darkness.

Gaze upwards to see not stars anymore. but the obscure walls of my cell.

My forest had disappeared,

My freedom swiped,

I was well and truly..............Home!

Alliterated Wantings - By Jodie

Wandering.............Lonely and alone around this desolate planet we call Earth.

Wondering.............Whether we were destined to stay alone or meet.

Watering................The unwaterable plants that fail to blossom.

Weeding..................The weeds that show little promise in life.

Wishing...................That we had more to live for.

Wanting..................More to hold onto.

Writhing..................In agony at the understanding of nothing.

Writing...................Meaningless words down on paper.

Whining.................With hopes that it will eventually pay off.

Willing...................To do anything to make my 10w's come good.

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